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Quality and brand recognition are the main criteria for choosing a specific Roof Window, our survey shows

Quality and brand recognition are the main criteria for choosing a specific Roof Window, our survey shows


We wanted to find out what you are looking for when choosing a Roof Window for a new project, so we conducted a market research which involved emailing 12,000 builders and installers with a number of questions.

Presented with a list of reasons from which they could choose multiple options, 50% of the respondents opted for quality as the criteria on which they base their purchase of Roof Windows.


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Surprisingly, the price of a Roof Window only came third, with 25% of all builders and installers who completed our questionnaire opting for it. The second most important criteria on which our respondents base their purchase is the homeowners’ own preference for a Roof Window brand they recognise and trust, with 41.67% of all builders and installers participating in our survey selecting this option.



It’s important to highlight none of the respondents take the looks of a roof window into consideration, whereas ease of installation is only important for 8.33% of the builders and installers taking part in our survey.

LB Roof Windows are a leading supplier of Roof Windows, Skylights, Roof Domes and all the adjacent accessories – all of which are available at competitive trade prices. While we offer some of the most popular brands on the market, such as Velux, we are also the exclusive suppliers of the Aurora Roof Window, which is becoming an increasingly sought-after alternative to the more well-known names. Aurora is manufactured by the VKR Group, same as the Velux Roof Window. Delivering similar benefits to the more well-known brands, Aurora enables our clients to obtain higher margins due to being more competitively priced.

Tell your customers about the benefits of the Aurora Roof Window and make more profit on your installations!

Want to find out more about this competitively priced alternative? Then why not call us on 01623 624500.

Written by: Joe

Published on: 13 March 2015

Categories: Uncategorized