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Best Value Roof Windows from LB Supplies

Best Value Roof Windows from LB Supplies

Value Roof Windows

Looking for Roof Windows?

LB Supplies is now online, which means you are able to buy the best value roof windows in the country.

Offering a wide range of windows from Velux, Dakea and Aurora, we are the one-stop shop for roof windows. Browse our wide range of roof windows! For larger projects including multiple windows we offer tiered pricing, meaning when you buy bulk you get even better value ! It get’s even better, if your orders are over ¬£200 we will deliver UK-Wide absolutely FREE! We also offer a variety of accessories and tie-bar kits at great prices, visit our catalogue¬†website for the best range of products and ring our office for a quote on any products. Our products are great for any size project, whether you just want to add more sunlight to a room or are building a home. Our roof windows can suit any of your needs without great expense.

Written by: Joe

Published on: 7 October 2013

Categories: Products