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Guarantee on All Products
Collection and Delivery Options
Open Monday to Friday 8-4pm

Christmas Opening Times & Cut Offs

The LB Supplies office, warehouse and trade counter will close on Friday 20th December 2024 at 4pm and will re-open on Thursday 2nd January 2025 at 8am.

Brand Last Order Date Last Delivery Date Reopen Date
19th December 20th December 2nd January
Dakea 19th December 20th December 6th January
Velux 16th December (standard windows)
4th December (blinds)
20th December 3rd January
Korniche 6th December 20th December 2nd January
Atlas 6th December (stocked sizes)
25th November (bespoke sizes)
20th December 2nd January
Infinity 16th December (standard size rooflights)
9th December (bespoke size and walk-ons)
19th December 6th January
Coxdome 16th December 20th December 2nd January
Brett Martin 17th December 19th December 2nd January
Arena 13th December 19th December 2nd January
Novolux 13th December 20th December 2nd January

Please be aware that for deliveries that usually take longer, such as deliveries to northern parts of Scotland or southern parts of Cornwall. The delivery cut off date will be a couple of days earlier than the date stated in the table above.

The cut off time for dispatch is 12pm (midday) on all of the dates above, If you order a product after midday on it’s last order date, you will receive your delivery in the new year.

The reopen date for each given brand is the first date in 2025 in which the manufacturer is processing orders.